Saturday, March 15, 2014

True joy is your favorite blogger resurrecting themself

      So my favorite blogger in the history of ever; I just re-found her. I was a dedicated follower for so long, and then she vanished. Her website, gone. I cried. I cried for all the wonderfulness that I had lost. But yesterday, for old times sake, I googled one of her web addresses just to browse through old posts and feel miserable, when suddenly I saw a new link on the "We've moved!" post. New link? Not the old deleted blog? I held my breath as I clicked it...and I was taken into the world I so dearly missed.


       Oh Ariel. You foxy blogger you...don't ever change.

Love and fangirl blogger bliss,

P.S. I was thinking about changing up the design on this blog...yay? Nay?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, you just made my week! I had no idea you liked my blog so much. I had to change blogs alot back in the day, but now I'm here to stay! Thank you so much for always reading my blog, some days I felt like no one ever looked at it and wanted to give up. I actually had a really bad week and didn't post anything, then I woke up and saw your post on instagram and decided to check out your blog! I'm totally adding a blog button for you on my site! As for re-designing your blog, I say go for it! I was scared to re-design for years because I wanted a book look, but was forced to change when I made the new site. Now I love it! Stay awesome!
