Tuesday, February 4, 2014


       Dis snow tho. I laugh at it. For any redneck child this is the fracking powdered sugar topping on the camouflage wedding cake. But the district has named a few measly feet of snow a nation wide catastrophe that demands the halting of every working government facility and building but McDonald's. I'm not complaining. Now I have a whole day to prepare my mock trial speechy thingy and crush my sweet, on-the-other-side-than-me, on defense boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, the man is the stud that cradles my heart in his palm, but does that mean I'm going easy on him? Frack no. Defeat is not an answer. I will be triumphant.

       So, where was I? Oh yes. The entire world is my treasure chest, and I have first dibs on anything that sparkles brightly enough to capture my attention. I am vast, infinite. I will dive into the depths of the internet, immerse myself into its very SOUL and have no need to surface. I am its MASTER. I will watch ALL the videos, ALL the seasons of Game of Thrones, ALL the tuna memes. ALL OF THEM. I AM INFINITE. YOU CANNOT HALT ME IN MY CRUSADE.

      And I feel really bad about neglecting le blog for so long. Actually just kidding. I have the world's biggest jar of Nutella. How can I feel bad about anything with that? Seriously. Why do people pay for therapists or drugs, get a jar of Nutella. So much cheaper and so many less fork inflicted injuries. But really, I'm sorry. But just know I haven't been losing sleep over it because a.) My Nutella and b.) I have no sleep to lose. Seriously you have to be able to sleep in order to lose it. Sleep? BAHAHAHAHAHA how adorable. Ain't nobody got time for that.

      Well, now if you excuse me, I'll be cryin' as Game of Throners keep dyin'.


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